07-09-2006, 03:09 AM
and the verdict... the appraised estimate of the damage was a grand total of $682.00.... WHOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
minus my deductable I got a check for $182 dollars...
does anyone want to hit my car again?? PLEASE!??!?!
I also bought \"ding king\" today for 20 bucks,
that pulled the rest of the dent out so you can hardly see it at all
(unless you are me, and know exactly where it is and what angle to loot at it.)
very cool little tool, I suggest it highly :thumbsup:
ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO DOLLARS!! :lol: :turned: :teehee: :woot: :yes:
minus my deductable I got a check for $182 dollars...
does anyone want to hit my car again?? PLEASE!??!?!
I also bought \"ding king\" today for 20 bucks,
that pulled the rest of the dent out so you can hardly see it at all
(unless you are me, and know exactly where it is and what angle to loot at it.)
very cool little tool, I suggest it highly :thumbsup:
ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO DOLLARS!! :lol: :turned: :teehee: :woot: :yes: