11-08-2006, 01:28 AM
Quote:I was renting horror films when I was 6 years old and couldn\'t see over the counter. The person working the counter must not of given a filth larn flarm filth. LOL but i\'m glad he didn\'t...I hear you on that one. The video store I used to go to, alas, back in the day, was always cool about me renting horror. It was a Mom and Pop joint ( remember those, guys!!! ), I think I was renting some Friday flick for 8 billionth time and also got "I Spit On Your Grave" ( In the BIG box, natch ) and the owners asked my Mom if it was alright that I rented these movies. My Mom always said, " He\'s a good kid, does well in school, involved in the Boy Scouts, if he wants to watch horror movies, so be it. He\'s not the one putting on a hockey mask on and chopping up anyone with a machete." Yep, my Mom\'s is the coolest. After that, the owner never gave a second thought to what I rented, they even put on my rental card that I could rent anything in the store.
It all comes down to parenting. I work in a video game store and hear ALL the time, "Don\'t you think video games make kids violent?". HELL NO they don\'t !!!! Kids who have violent tendencies are gonna be violent, whether they play "Grand Theft Auto " or read the Bible every day. How many kids do you see out there, want to grow a moustache and become a plumber because they play Mario Bro\'s??? If you raise your kids, instead of just plunking them down in front of the TV, and teach them right from wrong, 99% of the time they will grow up "right".
Wow, Rant off//