01-08-2007, 07:21 PM
Quote:Well, I cannot think of anybody in that role other than Campbell...but if you had to choose somebody...I guess Carrey would be perfect. Can anybody think of somebody else?
I thought the same thing!
Honestly, making a remake while the main character is still PERFECTLY capable of playing the role is kinda stupid. But really, Jim Carrey is perfect if you think about it. He kinda acts the same as Bruce sometimes, that sarcastic jokingly fashion. Wouldnt be all that bad.
Jim really is only 4 years older, so if anything, there should be a sequel like Evil Dead 2 style. Start out with a remake of the ones before it, then fast through it as if its not the main story line (which it isnt). That wouldnt be so bad. Then continue it with the sequel part of it.