01-10-2007, 04:05 AM
I\'ve pretty much lost faith in Hollywood alltogether. I mean, let\'s face it.....all we\'re going to get is more and more of our favorite films remade and turned into complete rubbish. I\'ve lost faith in Sam Raimi as a director, he\'s going to "Schumacher" the Spiderman series even further with the 3rd installment. Whoever the casting director is for those films should be strung up in the streets and deficated upon by midgets in hot air balloons. Come on, who thinks that turning the hulking mass, unstoppable lunatic that is Eddie Brock/Venom into a scrawny baby-faced 70\'s show moron is a GOOD IDEA??!! It\'s obvious that Hollywood is COMPLETELY out of great original ideas, and that they could give a steaming pile about the true fans. Hell, since they screw with everything else so badly, why not turn Ash into a black transsexual with a some kinda Vidal Sassoon hairdryer for a hand instead of a chainsaw. Great..........knowing our luck, Mr Raimi has already read this post and is on the phone with RuPaul\'s agent now.........
What have I done??!!!!
What have I done??!!!!