01-22-2007, 05:21 AM
Read this on another board, it\'s not verified, but...damn.
Quote:10-year-old Michael beats a girl to death and pisses on her within the first 20 pages, and he makes sure to put on his paper mask that\'s colored orange and black before he kills the rapist orderlies.
Remember how Rob stated it would take place in 1978? That\'s a half-truth. Michael\'s backstory occurs in `78, but his escape and subsequent kills all happen in 2007.
Michael is inadvertently set free from Smith\'s Grove due to the fact that two redneck orderlies decide for no reason in particular to randomly rape a hot, retarded girl in his room (and yes, folks, that scene is indeed in the script). Ooh Rob, you\'re so edgy! ... Seriously, the two orderlies decide to rape an attractive retarded girl, and they think it\'s a great idea to do it in Michael\'s room, right in front of him. Zombie lets the whole scene play out. They strip her in front of Michael, rape her twice, then offer her to him, saying things like "I got her hole all warmed up for ya! Want some *****, Mikey? What are ya, a f----t?" And then he crushes their windpipes, storms out, and smashes a security guard over the head with a television monitor. ...
Loomis is now also a famous writer, having authored "The Devil\'s Eyes: The Story of Michael Myers." In his spare time, he shoots photographs in political hotbeds around the world. ... how about the bit where Ellen Loomis and her friend are talking about Sam Loomis\' obsession with Michael Myers, and they mention that Michael Myers has a cult of fanatical followers who wear "WWMD" (What Would Michael Do) t-shirts? In this script, [Myers has] long been famous because Loomis published two tell-all bestsellers about him. When Loomis meets Brackett, the sheriff actually produces a copy of the book, with a picture of Michael on the cover. At this point, Loomis launches into his "blackest eyes, the Devil\'s eyes" speech.
... and while Ryan was correct in pointing out that Michael does indeed only say a single word, it should also be noted that he says it over and over and over again, something like fifteen times in the script.
And by the way, there is a pointed reference to "Freebird," as well. ... The script actually specifies all the 70\'s songs that play during each sequence. This thing reads like \'The Devil\'s Rejects II: Halloween\' only with more stereotypes and film-student level dialogue.
Not sure how Laurie ages just 17 years between \'78 and \'07...