05-14-2007, 06:21 AM
Also to clear things up we only sell our hockey masks at $175 out of my brothers shop, and ocassionally at conventions, these are the very highly detailed hockey masks that are put thru a series of techniques and layers of paint, our hockey masks range from $110 for a simple pt3 to $175 for our highest detailed Vs battle, we call our hockey masks camp slasher masks, our molds were made from what we were told a first generation screen used mask from the ftt series, we do not give a certificate of authenticity, if someone once to be sure of that they can purchase a mask from ken turrello who does have the best out there, and are truly authentic, i do stand behind our hockey masks and feel comfortable saying they are some of the best out there, however we are only a small private maker, we sell art, that is it, and offer these masks at a fraction of the retail on ebay to get our name out there so people can enjoy these beauties without spending a weeks salary, i hope this clears things up a little about who MBKstudios are, And kornbredd is the artist, we are not trying to get rich but rather providing the fans of horror what they truly want and thats a movie qaulity prop/replical/art, please any questions feel free, Don...