07-08-2007, 06:06 AM
I have a 67 vinyl glow skull..it\'s an amazing piece. I just love vintage vinyl don post. I have about 7 and most look brand spanking new. Only problem with vinyl is that it\'s tough to make the metal plated molds for them and the detail like wrinkle detail is a tad washed out...Also, what they did was this....they would take the sculpture, metal plate it, then melt the clay out of it. This would only produce a single mold to work out of. Yet, rather than latex, vinyl can be roto cast and castings come out fast. Cool thing about this is, the metal plated mold was also a positive metal bust that could be displayed or used as a negative mold.This was told to me by a Don Post employee from the time named Bob short., They basically made the vinyl masks just as anything to get away from latex and stone molds. They even spent thousands to build a assembly line machine custom. Never really worked out though and they abandoned the project at some point