07-23-2007, 08:23 PM
First there's Domino Saint/Pyrenees mix. He's between 4-5 months. We got him from board member myers04 (Tommy). Here he is Tommy if you were wondering what he looks like now.<img src=\"http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m66/necrolover/DSC02887.jpg\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />Now the cats if you count the ones outside that we care for we have a total of 10.Here's the three that live in the house. From left to right there's Pickles, Melvin and Rogue.<img src=\"http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m66/necrolover/DSC02537.jpg\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />A pic of the cat family living outside. Mom is the Calico and dad is the gray one. It's an older pic they are a lot bigger now. <img src=\"http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m66/necrolover/DSC02559.jpg\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />Then there's Henry and Otis. Our two Red Ear Sliders we got from a flea market called Turtle Creek. Here's one of them. It's hard to get a good pic of both of them.<img src=\"http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m66/necrolover/campics1009.jpg\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />Finally there's Foreskin. I got him from work. He is a nude mouse used for research.<img src=\"http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m66/necrolover/DSC02905-1.jpg\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />NO MORE PETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!