08-20-2007, 08:26 PM
Thanks a ton guys!! I really appreaciate all the feedback! Means a lot, especially the compliments, this is something I\'ve been wanting to do for a LONG LONG time, and now that\'s it\'s finally working, and working well, I am really thrilled. Still a lotta work to go before I\'m where I wanna be with this, but it\'s comin along! Crash man, that is friggin awesome!! Thanks a ton buddy, I love how you did that! And Crash is right, I got the kit from Krop Serkel <a href=\"http://www.kropserkel.com/skullman.htm\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.kropserkel.com/skullman.htm</a>and it is $100 plus shipping. GREAT guy to deal with there, Scott, tell him I sent ya! I had a Mr. Grimm in mind too, this would be perfect for that! Need some modifying of course, but it\'d work great. Same with Skeletor, Scorpion, Death (which I am doing too) and pretty much anything needing a skull LOL