12-12-2007, 05:28 AM
Well, I for one, can't give an opinion on the film or story until I've seen or read it. I can say this, however. I am a devout Christian, and I catch a lot of flack from "fundamentalist" types for my hobbies of Horror films, fantasy, comic books, music and other things. My thoughts are like this; If we as Christans are supposed to be following in the footsteps of Christ, then we have to ask ourselves, How did he and his disciples handle situations like this? Christ did not wage wars against people for their beliefs. He loved everyone. If you know the stories of the Bible, you can clearly see the type of people that Christ surrounded himself with and loved unconditionally. Paul was a man who killed countless men in battle because they believed in GOD. Mary Magdeline was a prostitute. Look at the old testament, Noah was a drunk, David was a murderer. Anyway, If you are a Christian then you should know that GOD is bigger than any movie, song, or book. If you're worried that your, or your family's faith can be swayed by a form of media, then maybe you should take inventory of your own affairs before you attack someone else's beliefs or actions. Jesus Christ once said to a mob about to stone a woman known as a prostitute, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Noone could. And noone can today either. I, for one, will continue to live my life in the best way that I can, by the example given to me through Christ. I also, for a time, turned my back on GOD and religion because of the hypocrisy and other trespasses done to me by members of a church. I now understand that you can't blame GOD for what man does. As humans we are all sinners, and will continue to make mistakes and fall. The important thing to do is to forgive as Christ forgives, and to spread the LOVE, man.