12-29-2007, 03:49 PM
WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT TCM NOW????!!!lolsorry but i had to do it.here are my thoughts in respect to the film. The bottom line for me is this....i am not too happy about it being a remake/redeux...but....maybe if they can add more background to an already established icon. If so, then I will be happy about it. Also, all that really matters in the end is that the series continues....Friday the 13th will be in the conciousness of america again and will help more movies to be made in the future. It will also mean more merchandise for all of us dorks to spend our money on. All we can do is hope for the best....whatever they decide to do, they will do regardless of what we think....regardless of how bad it may end up, i know i will be in the theaters to watch it for sure. Hell, i went and saw Jason X in the theater....Tommy