12-29-2007, 06:44 PM
Honestly, I think the Friday the 13th franchise is all about sequels. It's the film that everyone was expecting 20 sequels out of, and it quite possibly could have happened if they kept making the films at the rate they were going in the 80's. So why not scrap the idea of a remake and just make another sequel? Over the years there have been so many continuity errors and ridiculous ideas that one can take this franchise anywhere they want. I may be alone in this, but I would be up for seeing another sequel ("Friday the 13th part 9", "11", whatever as opposed to "Jason takes a dump on Chinatown"). There are tons of ways to make a killer F13 movie in sequel form without trying to "remake" or "reimagine" the story. My favorite sequel is probably The Final Chapter. I would love to see a sequel with an aged part 4 Jason and an older Corey Feldman. I'm not necessarily opposed to remakes, but nine times out of ten they always appeal to today's ignorant view on society. Throwing rap artists and subtle advertisements for cell phones, text messaging, and ipods aren't exactly my idea of entertainment and in no way should they be thrown into classic, simple, straight and to the point slasher films. I can't wait to see the remake, as I'm usually excited to see any remake for the fact that it's a new film involving my favorite horror characters. However, I'll probably just be waiting to be disappointed.