02-02-2008, 05:06 PM
***update***I am feeling better lately... but still not completely where I was before the accident. I am not using the walking cane anymore and have seen some improvement. I have lost 17 lbs, which helps because weight does affect the pressure on my spine. I still am dealing with some pain but at least I can walk. The Doctors said I am very lucky not to be in a wheelchair. I am not taking nearly the amount of pain killers and medications I was taking, although I am still taking some... just not as strong... man that shit made me sick as hell..I am still working on getting the injections in my spine that the doctors want me to take. Hopefully that will prevent another surgery.I have began to set up the new studio after the move. If it wasnt for my friends Justin, Jordan and Daniel I would have lost everything in my studio because of a crack smoking landlord. Thanks for moving everything for me while I was crippled guys.. thanks. The mold and latex pouring room in the new studio still looks like hell though.. the molds are stacked up at least knee high in that room with a path between them to walk. I CANNOT and will not be lifting these molds yet, at all. Not feeling THAT good and I dont want to mess anything up more than it already is..I have one friend who is still pretty dependable help in the studio... everyone else flaked out during the Halloween season last year so they are not around anymore. This friend will be coming over one day a week to help out with the heavy stuff so there will be progress but it will just be slow. I did sell some of my molds and production rights for some of my pieces that were available on my website. Once those are available through the other companies I will post a link on my site in case anyone missed ordering while I had them and still wants a copy. This keeps my work on the market since these pieces are still in demand. Even though I will not personally be producing them anymore they will still be availble for sale somewhere for you guys and gals.For now, www.twistedtoybox.net is still closed. I am hoping to re-open the website soon. I will be getting with Jess ( killa web masta 1) soon to make these changes but It will not be like it was before. I will not be offering nearly the amount of products I was offering because I simply just cannot keep up with the demand or do that amount of production with the heavy molds anymore. I plan to gear more toward unique one off pieces , custom work, more detailed high end stuff. Another one of the movies that did the SPFX for last year will be released this year also so hopefully it will do well. Lots of changes will be made but this is all for the best. These changes will be reflected in my new work and you who support my work are going to love it. I poured a couple of new foam armatures last week and would like to start another mask sculpture soon. I sculpted two small character maquettes of some ideas I have had bouncing around upstairs.. one of them will be developed into mask form. I also decided on which character I will be doing next as a tribute to my fav childhood film... you guys are going to absolutely LOVE this one... trust me, thats all I can say about that.. dont want to let the cat out of the bag too soon..my mask inside the new MUDVAYNE album ! Check out the new MUDVAYNE album guys ! I designed a really nice " Kud" masks for my friend Michael Cabaniss a couple of years ago...The mask I made was with the white makeup and black squiggles on the cheeks,, blue mohawk, beard , piercings, etc... I made one extra copy and sent it to mike along with the one I made and Mike painted the extra one silver with black squiggles. the mold was destroyed and these two masks were the ONLY ones ever made...well, Mike calls me last week and says that he purchased the new mudvayne album the day it came out only to find a photo that I took of the mask INSIDE the ALBUM COVER !./.. how cool is that ? I guess those guys liked it ? heh heh. EVERYONE BUY the new mudvayne album.. support these bands, This is how they make their living.Just a heads up for anyone in my area: Yesterday I dropped off a couple of my lifecast art pieces at the INK SPOT art gallery in downtown Jackson, MS. These pieces are on display NOW, along with LOTS of other great art from other local artists. I have a couple more of these that I will be working on and finishing soon, and those will go to the INK SPOT gallery also. These are unlike my normal masks and costume work. These are art made from molds of the human body that will never be duplicated and are ONE OF A KIND pieces.They also told me while I was there that there will be a LIVE art show next FRIDAY, and they have another showing scheduled for this month too... give them a call for all of the details. I will try to be there on these two dates if I can if anyone wants to meet up and chat...here is the infoINK SPOT is located at:205 W. Capitol Street Downtown Jackson601.352.4700 hours are 2 - 9 pm, Tuesday through Saturday... Anyway.. thats my update for now. thanks to everyone who has emailed with concerns and well wishes. All of your support for my art is overwhelming and I am glad to have such a fan base for my work that I never realized I had. SUPER thanks to the members of the NIGHTOWL forum. You guys pulled together and helped me more than you know and each of you will not be forgotten.More updates soon_ until then please check my myspace page for updates, new photos , etc. www.myspace.com/twistedtoybox-Chris Russellwww.TwistedToybox.net