05-08-2008, 04:05 AM
I'm just gonna repeat what I said to someone else earlier.Okay, I'll chime in here. I'm not trying to be mean, but here's some honesty. For a name, how bout work in progress? Don't mold this, it would waste your material. It's a starting point, your first sculpt, greta, everyone has to start somewhere! But, don't take what you get the very first time. My honest suggestion, smash this back into a blob of clay, shouldn't be too hard, and start over. And when you get that one done, smash it down and do it again, and again, and again. That will help you learn more then anything else, doing it over and over and over. Before you try again though, study anatomy, get a book and read it cover to cover. Then sculpt an ear, then a nose, then an eye etc etc etc. THEN try a full piece again. Again, I'm not trying to be mean, I applalaude anyone who picks up clay and tries their hand at making something, I respect that. I don't have the sculpting talent of a rock, hell if I sculpted a rock you'd ask me what it was, so I leave it to the pros. Have fun with this, it's art, art takes a LONG time to build and form and find your voice. There should NEVER be a rush to mold anything, why? So you can waste plaster, latex and paint to get a mask, no one will buy, and on you're not gonna be happy with realistically? Ease back the production, and just have fun with it. If you mold this now, you will regret it.