06-14-2008, 08:00 AM
In no particular order...........1. Bram Stokers Dracula: So much cool makeup effects in this film its all eye candy...Greg Cannom is the man! Look at this guys resume!2. John Carpenters The Thing: Rob Bottin is a madman genious! Monsters galore!3. The Exorcist: Dick Smith, the man the myth the legend. In my eyes...one of the scariest films ever made and makeup effetcs that still freak me out to this day.4. Planet of the Apes: 1960's Talking apes. Nuff said.5. Greystoke The legend of Tarzan: In my opinion the best on screen apes. EVER. Rick Baker is the man.6. Harry and the Hendersons: I gotta agree with Crash........Harry Ruled and so does Rick Baker. So much emotion was conveyed in that creature.7. Halloween: Simple, Perfect. Fuggin Scary!8. Predator: Very possibly the best full suit "monster" ever........Stan the Man Winston! Henry Alvarez! Steve Wang! 9. Alien: H.R. Giger is a sick swiss MOFO!10. An American Werewolf in London: Last but not least....The best werewolf movie ever. Effects that still hold up to this day. Rick Baker is the king.