06-26-2008, 10:46 PM
The brand of shirt does not matter since it is so ripped up.the pants do not have to match exactly, just come close.after you dirty them, you could never tell.Plastic chain does not have the same sound when you move,you just gotta have that klinking sound and I did weather it some.also, don't stress out over perfection, no costume is perfect.Believe me, I am probably more anal than you about the J-man, and I have learned to take it in stride.The most important part of playing Jason is mastering his poses.That is very important.I am making adjustments to my undermask, and hopefully receiving a new and exciting item for the suit, and I will be shooting the part 7 outside for some accurate as possible poses including the head squeeze, which I did the wrong way, but oh well.I will get it right next round.I am hopefully shooting the pics of my remastered part 8 tonight, as my black gloves finally got here.I got away from the grey color, and went with more of a dead tannish,flesh look like some of the screen caps and also to match my MMFX ugly 8.