07-20-2008, 02:21 PM
I've searched and searched for an off the shelf solution, and believe it or not I found it at IKEA.<a href=\"http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/60080230\" target=\"_blank\">IKEA - BOMULL PILLOWCASE</a>Besides the price ($0.99) the best part it is unbleached and undyed cotton, which means it has slightly rough texture and is off-white with an almost tan tint to it.<img src=\"http://www.vintagecottage.ca/golgo13/Part%202/Hood%20No%20Flash.jpg\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />(.....I need to add the rope still and dirty it up a bit)I know most people don't live in a big city with an IKEA, but alot of people (girlfriends and wives) mail order from them so it might be useful to someone on here. If you can't go with IKEA just look around for undyed/unbleached cotton pillowcases.