08-17-2008, 05:41 PM
Earl is definitely right.. SERIOUS collectors need to look out for one another..Unfortunately rules can very easily be taken out of context by one member here who has to much time on their hands. For everyone who understands and has supplied me with more contact info on this guy and words of support and kindness, Thank you.The real collectors here really need to stick together and be there for each other..This hobby is hard enough without people screwing other people over for their own personal gain.We cant have people like our hall monitors in here complaining about these kind of posts, We need some kind of feedback system built threw this forum..This Mike Becker guy is a whale though. He has taken numerous people for thousands of dollars for his personal gain..SO with what Travis said OUR MODERATOR!!!! This is not a bashing post. so everyone please keep this post factual and if anyone else has had issues with this guy PM me for personal info on him and also feel free to PM me with any personal info you have on him.Thank you very much to the people lending me support and the moderators understanding for the real issue at hand here..we need to get these people exposed so we can slowly get a safe hobby back..-Matt