12-04-2008, 08:12 PM
Hey Ryan... I don't know where you're getting the idea that I EVER said that weathering the glove would be "too expensive". What I would wind up losing for the most part is time. Aging a glove to get it to look right I am sure is more time consuming than costly. Gloves already take several hours to build and are expensive to make and to sell them at a price low enough where I can remain extremely competitive doesn't make me want to streatch out my build time until I get other things nailed. I have tried multiple things to get the glove to look aged like you suggest and nothing has worked so far. You assume I have only tried one thing and gave up. I have tried MANY things and have spent lots of money on failed experiments but at the same time, I still have to sell gloves so I sell them as they are right now and when I ever figure out how to get the leather to get wrinkly and soft like it should be, I'll offer that. But it's not high on my priority list like getting the metals to look right. Maybe I'll make a prototype of the Hero glove I'm trying to develop and experiment with getting the cutting up of the glove to look the way it did in the film. I said that I appreciated your comments about the glove but explained why I hadn't done what you recommended and you just said, "Whatever, dude" so you just came across as easily offended by something I didn't think was offensive at all. I'm working hard to bring a extremely quality glove to the fans and selling them at extremely low prices and I appreciate your input but there hasn't been the demand for the properly aged glove like there has been with getting the metals a more authentic color.I do know Ryan is very detail oriented and trust me... I want my gloves to be perfect but I don't want to do so many things on my gloves that I'm simply making a $2/hr wage on my labor. Maybe I'll do what I did with the Part 4 glove... offer a deluxe Part 1 glove that features the more details. I've brainstormed a lot about what I want to do with my gloves but being 20 orders behind constantly doesn't leave me a lot of time to try to do R&D.I recently sold a Numero Uno that had a wonderful leather glove on it. The leather was very soft and looked very aged but I have no idea how Chris got his glove that way. I've tried leather softeners, alcohol, etc and the leather stays the same. The glove almost had a sweet smell to it so I don't know if it's just smells from the homes of other owners or if it's the supplies used to age the glove. I'm stumped thus far. But... like the coloring of the metals... I'm sure I'll figure it out sooner or later. Thanks Ryan for your encouragement to get a more accurate glove... I'm trying.