12-13-2008, 06:42 AM
I say wait for them some where in some shade or wooded area, find a good size branch, put on a collegville clown mask and give em a good ol mikey beat down, yea, yea just like the movie, beat em to death, hahahahaha, and video tape it, be sure to give it to a friend who is not participating so he can show us all the vid, that would be cool!!!!! GO MIKEY!!!! Just messing with you bro, but it does sound like the ol halloween remake in a way,lol !!! I would have to say i agree with martoch, i like many of my older friends from here on NIGHTOWL use to kick alot of ass, and at one time got picked on in school, i went about it all the wrong way, i could tell ya a dozen ass kicken stories from school days, i aslo could tell ya a dozen bad reprucussions that came from those ass kickins, bottom line is these guys are punks, you know you can kick there ass and that should be satisfying enough, you shouldnt take this thing to the next level unless you are directly harmed, or family, i mean you just dont know what could happen, kids dont fight these days,they are pussiefied and would rather shoot, stab or hit you with a blunt object, the truth is someone could get killed over some stupid words coming from an imature punk trying to be a bad ass, smile at him, push him to step to you one on one, when he messes with you mess with him twice as hard, let him know you arent a pushover, no need to get tons of people involved, ive seen this go bad too many times, i mean you guys are in school together everyday, what is going to happen if you do kick his ass, the anamosity is only going to grow, killl him with looks and smart ass comments man, dont go to a place where weapons could be brought into the fight, kick his ass at school if thats what you have to do, i mean at least then he will be embarassed fom the watchers seeing it go down, and you will probably earn his respect, your a big guy man, no need to take his shit move your size around, use it to your advantage, well i wish ya luck man and hope some of us have encouraged you to take a diffrent approach, and if not i hope it all turns out and everyone fights fair and goes home to ice packs and bandaids, and not stitches and caskets, god bless you brother and ill pray god will look out for all of you!!!