12-13-2008, 10:25 AM
Good luck with your fight, but ask yourself if this is really worth it.I'm from Brookyn, NY. I've had more than my share of fights, win some lose some. I've been in enough fights to know that when the odds are stacked against the other guy, the other guy finds a way to even the odds.Last fight I got into was a few years ago. This skinny junkie piece of shit was harassing my mom while she was walking home from work. Nothing happened really, just some junkie being a junkie. I said fuck that! No one talks shit to my mom. I find this guy down the street and we have words, I saw the guy was stoned out of his mind, so I didn't want to do anything. I called the cops, and in typical NYC fashion they did nothing. The next morning as I was leaving my house to go to work, this guy was standing on the side of my house, as I walked by this fuck jumps on me. I put up my hands and fight the guy, then I quickly realize he's not punching me, he's stabbing me! I got stabbed 3 times in my left arm, I kick this guy hard to the ground, he then stabs me in my left leg. I punched the guy about 10 times in his face as hard as I could, I actually broke my hand on his head, I back away and run into my house and call the cops. I could have been killed over something stupid. I'm a big guy so I wasn't hurt bad, breaking my hand hurt more than the stab wounds, but lets say this guy had a gun...Anything can happen in a fight, so ask yourself if it's really worth it.Jeff-