09-18-2004, 12:00 AM
You guys really need to lighten up it\'s only movies it\'s not someone rewrote the bible... oh wait they did that. well it\'s not like soembody rewriting the constitution...oh wait thats been done too. what I\'m trying to say is things change over time they are updated to remain relavent that is the case with star wars I for one am glad they are being updated further I love the idea of the emperor from ESB being swapped out to Ian and While not a fan of all the changes he did to the SE\'s (the dance number) I have to say IMO they brought the movies up to date for next generation of children, and remember these movies are primarily for children. Less than 4 months ago I had the opportunity to see the "classic" uncut versions of the movies, and all I could concentrate on was how bad everthing looked. I for one will be at the store as soon as I wake up on tuesday and I could care less what new changes he made to the movies I\'m sure everthing will serve for better continuity with the prequels