06-24-2009, 06:28 PM
Halloween was dead plain and simple the last 4 movies saw to that quite effectively. Rob came in and changed things drastically. Some hate it and some love it that is what movie making is all about. As long as someone feels strongly about a movie the director has done they're job. I personally loved RZ's Halloween, and that's because I always thought The Shape was pretty one dimensional, and that is what some people liked about him, not me. Hell even Jason had backstory and motivation. Rob apparantly saw that flaw as well and did something about it. He then was ripped apart for doing something new, while at the same time being ripped apart for not being original enough. I can't wait for the new H2 I'm sure it will enrage some of the Halloween purist and I'm fine with that, anything that challenges the status quo. That being said I am obviously a Jason fan first and formost and enjoyed the F13 remake quite a bit, but even I have to admit RZ's Halloween was a better made film from script to DVD. So begrudgingly I'd have to say Dimension. Even though I know if New Line were to actually let their directors and producers do what they wanted things would have fallen in their favor.