06-12-2009, 09:58 PM
I find this so troubling.A majority of these mask makers taking 6 months to a year and longer is just absurd.I understand taking pre orders for mask but they should limit it to 5 at a time.I know they have to buy supplies and that can be costly .Make 5 ship those then take 5 more orders.But common sense should tell people that if a person is doing a run of 30 mask at $1000 a pop the buyer expects incredible work, and I hate it for the guy who bought # 30.That would be a long wait..... I believe the mask makers should try their best to have made what they sale.Its ok to sale a few to get supply money but my god waiting a year for any mask is bull crap IMO.If the guy tells me it will be a year and I buy it, well so be it ,but to tell someone 3 months then 6 months later its still not finished is troubling.