07-11-2009, 05:23 PM
Transformers 2 -more michael Bay porn festageFriday the 13th remake -Michael Bay porn fest..Hancock -was a great story until it went all corny superhero crap in the end.Knowing -another alien B.s. move!!Indiana Jones -More alien b.s.!!!Bloody Valentine 3-d ..What are both those guys from Supernatural trying to get into every (Dern, I done gone and growed another head) movie now!?Halloween remake - New visions are easy..making a GOOD horror movie is hard.Transporters 1,2 - couldn't get past that english guys voice..It was annoying as hell!!Dark Knight - Christian Bale was in it..Wanted more Ledger.These are just my opinions and in no way reflect the veiws of NIGHTOWL,Its affiliates,Or members.If you found any of these comments offensive please get a life.J-