07-21-2009, 02:45 AM
Let me give you some advise from a guy (me) who has been collecting and doing transactions like this for a LONG time! If you have already filed the paypal claim, DO NOT dismiss the claim until you are satisfied with the situation you are in. If you dismiss before you get this resolved, you have forfeited your paypal protection, becasue you can NOT file another dispute over the same transaction. It is common practice for the person filed against to come back with an immediate e-mail with all kinds of excuses as to why they did not respond sooner. I have always found it very amusing that they have no problem at all responding once a claim is filed. That clearly shows they are in fact monitoring their e-mails. I have heard all the best excuses in the world, and they are all pretty much the same. I do believe a resolution should be sought prior to filing a complaint, but if you were left with no communication or answers, then you certainly should have filed. Keep the dispute open until the matter is resolved. Keep your eye on the prize ... you want what you paid for, in the condition it was represented as being in. If the guy is on the up and up, he will get it solved for you, and then you can close the dispute. The line of, "Please close the dispute so I can have the funds to complete your order" is a line I have heard many times. Don't buy it. This is NOT your problem, it is HIS! For the sake of being fair, I do not know this guy or anything about his business practices. He may be totally legit in everything he is saying. But don't make that assumption. Hold him to the business end of this transaction. This is the only way to combat dishonest dealers. Not saying he is one ... but again ... Caveat Emptor! (Buyer Beware)Peace