07-27-2009, 04:37 AM
<a href=\"http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1862857\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1862857</a>I found the audio recording of it but the person recording doesn't have a great recording device so it's hard to really hear much. But the NOES Trailer begins at the 6:25 mark. Here's a rundown of the trailer:It starts with showing a group of cars chasing down a pre-burned Freddy on foot. Freddy runs into an old warehouse/factory and locks the door. Clancy Brown yells, "Krueger! Come on out you sick, twisted (???) bastard! You hurt my son, Krueger!"Freddy responds, "What do you think I did? (Inaudible but clearly claiming his innocense)." The parents start to bomb Molotov cocktails into the windows and as the bottles break, Freddy catches fire. He removes his coat as it burns, revealing his red and green sweater. The building then explodes into flames and Freddy comes running out of the building completely engulfed.Then, while images of young girls jumping rope while singing the Freddy rhyme, shown are many images that evoke classic scenes from the original film, including a shot of a poor, dead blonde in a plastic bag as she haunts the halls of main character Nancy's high school. In another shot, a girl wanders into a dusty attic, and as she looks around at the detritus, she notices a pair of eyes behind a box that flash at her, making her scream. Freddy's glove is heavily featured, but there are few shots of his face, at least not unobscured by shadows or darkness. In another shot, a girl is reaching for something on a shelf and Freddy's head appears over her shoulder. As the clip ends, we briefly see a boyfriend try to wake his girlfriend up, to no avail; subsequently, she rises into the air and strikes the ceiling, reminding fans of Tina's balletic murder in the original Nightmare on Elm Street. As the title card comes up, Freddy says, "Ready or not, here I come."You can hear Freddy say, "Ready or not," at the 8:16 mark and then you can easily here him say, "here I come." at the 8:18 mark.It's all we can find for now. Frustrating that not one person had their camera running on the screen. There were a few thousand people in that room.