07-28-2009, 04:25 AM
Deadguy hit the nail on the head with an open black list, on paper this is a GREAT plan and would save a lotta guys time, energy, money and frustration, but in reality, it becomes the communist black list pretty fast. If someone is a week late, and the other party isn't exactly patient, then their name is submitted and can ruin a great reputation unjustly. It can also be used as a weapon, 'you better make me happy or I'll add your name to the list.' A bad deal is VERY different from a scam, we've all had enough of both to know the difference without me going into it, and most of the time it's just buyer beware, a risk we take shopping online, no ones fault, just one of those things. This kind of list can become a very slippery slope very fast, and get out of hand before anyone can stop it. Any warning list about other people is that way, however there are a LOT of merits to a protective watch list that can warn people about real risks, and if done properly it could really help cut down some of the recent surge of scam artists that seems to have cropped up, and I think that's what EA is getting at, not necessisarily a posted 'wanted' list but more of an inside who's who to try and slow these bastards down, and stop them from hopping around pulling the same crap. So if you have been ripped off by a member here, a genuine stole money or goods case, send EA the username through a PM.