09-08-2009, 07:11 AM
sigh . . .Nobody's missing anything. Still no uncut version. Maybe some new material in the Special Features section, not sure as I never bought the boxed set so I couldn't tell you if there is any difference between the special features of the box version and this new delux release. Who cares, anyway. The only feature justifying purchasing any of these F13 films all over again (yet AGAIN) is to finally see an uncut version. Unless bumping up to Blue Ray this latest edition would be a waste of money and Paramount did it again - releasing yet another version with no changes of any significant importance. Why'd they even bother (other than the obvious reasons of greed)?These guys are getting as bad as Anchor Bay.I didn't bother watching part 8. I didn't care for it all that much so why watch the exact same movie I've already seen in the past?