09-21-2009, 02:48 PM
If you want a quality replica, it's going to cost a good bit more than $100. The full moon ones looked promising, but they are cheaply constructed... it's a shame.I used to own a custom Pinhead replica and his hands were made from the movie-molds while his head was accurately sculpted. I paid around $200 for it, but it sold for around $350 3 years ago.It's just so hard to find accurate PM replicas that are well made. Most of the time you have to hire a seamstress to sew the clothes and get the right materials and that can be costly in itself. Throw in the fact that it's not simple to find a movie-mold casting of the head/hands for the characters and you can look at paying anywhere from $500-$1000 for a good replica.Your best bet is to just go after the Full Moon props considering you don't want to pay much.