09-28-2009, 06:24 AM
hmmmm.... there is like 90% of this trailer that makes me think this is going in the right direction. Its darker, its will have faithful scenes to the original... HOWEVER there is a small voice in my head that represents that other 10%... Im scared that they will do what FvsJ did... and what RZ H1 did... this movie might try and make us feel "bad" for the killer. Which is a horrible idea in my opnion. The line "What do you think I did? I didnt do anything" has me thinking that Fred isnt a killer, but was set up. and decides to get revenge on the parent's kids... I hope Im wrong. I dont want to feel bad for Fred and think that "Well he deserves to get revenge" FvsJ tried to make Jason the "hero" by making his childhood look so bad, and really focus on Jason being "wronged" I just pray this isnt the case. I dont think our "Monsters" need to be understoodHowever I love the Look, and the voice is cool. Im glad he isnt trying to impersonate Robert England