09-28-2009, 04:09 PM
I think the trailer looks great! I think Haley is really going to make this character his own.I have NO CLUE what you are talking about sirbrad... This is not even close to Robert's Freddy. It doesn't seem at all like Jackie is trying to impersonate him. This is a NEW Freddy.Those who keep saying "why not keep Robert?"... This is a remake... Give me a reason TO keep Robert. It's a new movie, of course they are getting a new actor. And as for saying there should be a new outfit if there is a new actor... Why? Those are Freddy's trademarks. I guarantee the same people saying that would be saying "why the hell did they change his outfit, they should have kept it" if they did in fact change it.But I agree, its a little odd seeing a non-Robert Freddy at first site, but I am so for Haley's performance. Maybe not the look 100%, but I am digging it and it will grow on me. Jackie is a great actor and I think he will do the role justice.As for those saying "what if he didn't do it?".....he did... don't worry about it. Why would they change the plot that Freddy was innocent? Not happening, don't have a single worry about that...And sirbrad, Freddy didn't have these "different personalities" because they liked making the character different and charismatic. They did it because they scripts got worse and worse and all they wanted to do was make the audience laugh instead. Freddy wasn't meant to be a comedian. Though you may like his different personalities I personally don't think Freddy was meant to be that way, and they never intended on it becoming that when filming ANOES 1.Can't wait til April!