10-18-2009, 11:14 PM
I'm not sure how it will work for steel, but what I use to age nickel and chrome is muriatic acid that you can find at any pool supply store. Here are the steps I use, so hopefully it works for you as it is a natural oxidation/patina and looks the best IMO. 1. Dull any shine on the metal with a scotch brite pad. 2. Poor the acid into a glass bowl/container.3. Place a scrap piece of metal or a couple of coins in the acid to speed up the fumes. 4. Place the metal you want aged by the container and cover both pieces with a box to trap the fumes. Usually if you wait about 30 minutes the piece will patina up real nice and get a little green from the oxidation, and to stop the process just hit is with some water. If fuming the piece doesn't work, sometimes you can swap the acid directly on with Q-Tips, just be careful.