12-16-2009, 03:50 AM
I saw my first horror movie when I was 3 or 4, it was the first Friday the 13th. We didn't have a VCR back then, but would rent one once a month for the weekend (on of those glorious old top loaders), and get a few movies, usually ones for me/my friends, and then the adults would get some for after we were supposed to be in bed (we lived in apartment building in Brooklyn, so everyone kind of hung out together a lot, because most of the building had young kids). The one night, me and my cousin snuck out and hid behind the couch because we wanted to see what they were watching. It was the original Friday the 13th. Now, I don't remember 90% of the movie, but I vivdly remember Ari jumping out at the end, and being to terrified to scream, and slinking back in my room, and not sleeping for what felt like days. I have been hooked ever since.