04-28-2010, 09:16 PM
I didn't mean to upset anyone, as i have been looking forward to this movie from the moment it got the green light. Go see the movie, the movie is a lot of fun to see regardless. I mean, this is after all, Freddy, back on the big screen, in one form or another.As for the effects, i agree with what has been said, and i realllly wish they would have scrapped some of the heavy CG in place of some good practical effects. There is such a more visceral, real, gritty reaction to practical effects. Some scenes in this movie would have certainly benefited from it, one example which really stands out to me, is the the wall scene. His voice, as you've noted did sound different in all the trailers. In my opinion, they remedied that somewhat in the final version, as i feel it was a bit more cohesive in the final film, although there are instances where it does sound minutely different. The biggest let down for me was the mechanized sound to it, but, eh, it is what it is. The film is a lot of fun though. Go enjoy it for what it is.