04-30-2010, 06:31 AM
SPOILERS throughout - I've been home for about 5 minutes - here are my immediate thoughts. I'll be seeing it again tomorrow so I expect to come away with perhaps even more after the second watch. Anyway here are my .2 cents - - Movie felt like it had many moments of the right tone BUT it was too rushed. I find scary is better when things are left to sit a bit. SPOILER: for example, at one point Kris finds her dog outside, dead - it's a scary sight. It's also a very brief one. Her running to the dog, crying and trying to save the dog in some way would have immediately assigned a heavy sense of value and relationship and mourning. Then Freddy to appear, though barely and in dark would have been terrifying. This was just one example of where it went so fast. I felt at times it was boom boom boom - get story out, kill, get story out, kill kill. What was compromised though was scary wanderings around in boiler rooms, houses, etc. It was like an action horror approach.- Freddy is played great - very dark, definitely capital EVIL. I'd have preferred less talking actually I think - more giggling and breathing instead but overall, VERY pleased with his portrayal. Again it was done WAY too fast though imo.- Loved the influence to Nancy's original house - if you squint it's vibe is there.- I actually really like the character of Kris and the acting was pretty good. I actually hated to see her die. Nancy on the other hand, not so much. While I get the need to update the character, and am open to that - I just didn't really bond. I was not invested or necessarily even routing for her. Boyfriend is played good though and I did find myself hoping he would not die. In no way am I saying she was played badly - just a bit too cold imo.Overall - a good movie - but way too rushed, some of it looks a bit too fake (can't we just stop using CGI already) but dark Freddy, the pedo who will kill you is back. Though, I'm not the least bit worried about going to sleep tonight and I so wanted to be.