05-08-2010, 01:02 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2010, 01:11 PM by FreddysNightmare.)
Saw the film last night with my girlfriend. I have been looking forward to this film for over a year and I have been deliberatly avoiding posts/topics/trailers and spoilers so that I could get the full effect for myself and be suprised. So I'm going to break it down and have a look at what I thought of this film and the new Freddy. <u><b>Did I like the young cast/actors? </b></u>Erm, no. Not really. I didnt find any of them to be likeable and they were not as good as the original 1984 cast. They were all pretty/good looking like any typical hollywood film. I felt there was no need to change the names of the characters, Tina is called Chris I believe and there is a Jesse character in this film and as we all know Jesse was in A.N.O.E.S. part 2. <u><b>Did I like the locations?</b></u>Yes and no. I liked the pre school and the secret room where Freddy took the young ones, thought that was pretty cool. I did not like the new 1428 house. Why did they not use the original<u> iconic </u>house??? Some things you dont mess with, you dont change the house in Amnetyville just like they should not have changed the house in A.N.O.E.S.<u><b>Did I like the new Freddy Krueger?</b></u>Yes and also no haha. His burnt face actually grew on me and I can say that I do like it now I've seen the film. For me the best bits of this film are when Freddy is on screen the rest are just fillers until he pops back up again. But, Jackie Haley came across to me and my girlfriend as not a very good actor. He seemed very wooden,lol. It was as if he was trying to act badly in some places. His voice was a bit, well, not great. I know there are already some die hard Jackie Haley fans (fair enough) but give me Robert Englund any day. I think this film failed to make Freddy scary again to be honest, but maybe I am de-sensitised to it? Perhaps as a 31 year old and after seeing all the other films I am no longer scared? Maybe young people who see this film will find it scary? I don't know. <u><b>Did I like the film? My overall verdict? </b></u>Yes I did like it and I did enjoy it (when Freddy was on screen). However it is not a very good film. Average at best I would say. Um, I feel they failed to improve on the original, it is not as good as the original. Its worth seeing for Freddy fans for sure. But I mean the Texas Chainsaw, Halloween, and Friday the 13th remakes were actually very good and they improved over their originals - this Nightmare reboot in my opinion is the worst of the remakes. But I still do like it for what it is. I'd like to see the special features and deleted scenes when it comes out on blu ray. I'd give it a 6/10 7 at best.