04-05-2011, 12:18 AM
(04-04-2011, 05:08 AM)The Death Curse link Wrote:I... can not... WAIT for this! It's sure to be the most interesting horror-related production since Never Sleep Again. The seven video snippets made my day, too.
Lito, you and the rest of that team are just fantastic at what you do!!
Kind words, my friend, and they humble, flatter, and honor us. Thank you!
For more on the production and to answer some of the burning questions people have been asking (a la: "Will this play Internationally?" "Will it be on DVD?"), please check out the interviews currently up on StaticMass.net and Hello-Sidney.com...and there's another one going live on Screa-Trilogy.net tomorrow, I believe...
STATIC MASS: http://staticmass.net/interviews/lito-ve...interview/
HELLO SIDNEY PART 1: http://www.hellosidney.com/node/1046 PART 2: http://www.hellosidney.com/node/1049
Thanks for the support, everyone!