Yeah I thought maybe he got it too, will have to find out. But I have another artist that should be able to do a good job. I want to try and sculpt a life-sized face sometime for fun on a 3\'6" boy mannequin. Have not had time to do any sculpting in years though as costumes alone took over. But I still want to get into it more soon. I could also buy rights to the mold and produce it even if I wanted to. I want one sculpted like the movie one exactly, and it will actually be cheaper than the modified CFX Pickles since it is not silicone. Even the stunt mask looks great and I or the sculptor could use that for reference. I would use it like I did my Creeper mask and make a prosthetic mouth or jaw at least out of it for good movement and use some perfect veneers I found. I found some decent clothes already, and a gold ascot and plaid vest. Might have to make life-sized ones though as I doubt I would find them that size and color. Will have to save up awhile to get it all started, should be a fun project!
Not sure how it will take but I definitely want to do a costume and maybe a larger scaled life-sized at about 5 foot or so, as a lot of "little people" appear to have bigger heads, or more proportioned. Some of the other dwarves have tiny heads. But you would not be able to tell the difference in pics unless you had something else to scale it by. But either way I will be doing that costume at least! Wanted to for many years but already had about 30 characters on my plate lol. golly gee willikers St. Parick\'s Day marathon bumped this project to the top of the heap lol.
Not sure how it will take but I definitely want to do a costume and maybe a larger scaled life-sized at about 5 foot or so, as a lot of "little people" appear to have bigger heads, or more proportioned. Some of the other dwarves have tiny heads. But you would not be able to tell the difference in pics unless you had something else to scale it by. But either way I will be doing that costume at least! Wanted to for many years but already had about 30 characters on my plate lol. golly gee willikers St. Parick\'s Day marathon bumped this project to the top of the heap lol.