11-21-2004, 01:06 PM
Quote:Alright guys, that\'s all well and good, random violence is great, and I support it, but barring a plane ticket to Australia, you\'ll never meet this guy. Any money you would save up would inevitably end up going to a mask or 10 right? There are ways get satisfaction, and then there are ways to get satisfaction. If you can\'t pound him, get him in the financial dept, report him to ebay over and over until they get so sick of hearing from you they just ban him to stop the constant email. Email the auctions to New Line from a dummy email account, he is using the copyrighted name, and image. Keep track of his auctions and report any he starts, don\'t let him sell another thing on ebay, ever. You can talk up this stuff all you want, but the only thing that will work is action.good point, i think i\'m going to contact e-bay today.