12-03-2004, 04:03 AM
I am just doing it because I have always wanted to, I love the film & said once I got into mask making I would one day make one, I had no idea other\'s were making one also. I waited quite awhile before attempting this project because as most of you no, I started out slow & my sculpts at the begining were not so hot, I feel comfortable enough to give this guy a shot now. My dream is to do a full costume with stilts & all but that will be at a later date. Thank you so much for the kind words, I used over 50 pounds of clay already on this guy so he won\'t be fun to mold but will be pretty fun to paint when he is done. I will keep you posted, this is like 4 hours so yeah not alot going on yet & VF31 I was thinking the same thing I started an alien awhile back but never finished him, I like the creature factor, it is real fun to do & I am sure the end result will be very rewarding.
Thanks again,
Thanks again,