02-05-2005, 05:10 PM
Quote:ya Gary i got that too LOL... but i figured you knew i jsut wanted to describe to everyone what needs to be done..fiberglass jsut isnt worth the hazards as well as over a few years it becomes brittle and breaks adn with a little heat like sittin in a warm room can make the mask warp..u want blanks then no face is the best palce for a healtly choice there thin styrenenot as strong as abs but still are great for the price and will last way longer than fiberglassI assure you that these mask will not become brittle over the years, never heard of a NHL mask getting brittle, or an NFL helmet for that matter. It all depends on the maker and quality of the mask. These will not warp, like styrene or ABS will and I agree that a no-face styrene mask is a decent choice for a cheaper mask.
Last year I sold over 60 fiberglass masks to users on this board, not one complained. In fact, they ordered more. But hey, buy what you want and dont complain when you get what you pay for!