02-01-2005, 04:22 AM
Quote:Well, in SSN\'s defence. There\'s IS from the MMI movie mold with a cert. stating what it is. The full body from MMI sold on ebay for over $30,000 and it was from the movie mold and NOT screen used.the is not reason to "defend" ssn after the comment I made, I wasn\'t knocking them or the museum bust. I think it is a fine piece and a fair price.
Something from either the Movie Molds or Props used in films will go for more than a \'based\' on prop, anyday.
Remember, SSN is NOT painting these, MMI is. Wait until the \'New Blood\'s\' start poping up shortly, then pick them apart if you\'d like or try.
for $1000, this is NOT a bad deal. A LOT of people will be wanting these. I just don\'t think SSN will make the 30 as proposed, which will make this a VERY rare and collectable piece in \'Friday\' history. I wish SSN would only make 13, but who knows.