03-08-2005, 05:06 AM
you know, qt is a big fan of the slasher genre.. and he does stick pretty closely with certain styles of movies that he loves. jus the way he pays tribute to them, keeping them authentic and not like another "3ast and 3urious" *cough*pulp fiction*cough*
anyway, the idea has lots of ups, but also has lots of downs. i don\'t think there can be an ultimate persay. example: some people love jason\'s look in say 3, and others love his look in 7. how do you please everyone... lets just hope its not some gayass cyber jason again.
anyway, the idea has lots of ups, but also has lots of downs. i don\'t think there can be an ultimate persay. example: some people love jason\'s look in say 3, and others love his look in 7. how do you please everyone... lets just hope its not some gayass cyber jason again.