03-08-2005, 10:13 PM
New Line make the "ultamate" Friday movie ? please , what a joke if i ever heard one before :lol: . the only thing i can see them doing with a jason movie is trash it or make fun of it in some way like jason goes to clooege and kills the teachers for giving him a bad grade and killing the kids for making fun of him . that\'s what the jason movies have come to these days . you ask any of us here on the board what would be our fav. jason movie and it wouldn\'t be a NL i can tell ya that for sure . pretty much they just don\'t care about it anymore for it to be scary . look at the Chucky movies , used to be great but now it\'s comedy :angry: . i just hope they will leave it alone or sell the rights to a copany that really wants to do something to the series that will help it .