03-11-2005, 02:10 AM
Quote:Hey goaliehack, thanks man, it\'s appreciated. It\'s guys like you that make this hobby great, not sucking up to anyone and speaking your mind. LOL Mick7 you make me smile bud and Jason8844 YOU are the man, as a matter of fact you are the only reason I am coming to this board, because the only thing even more pathetic than posting that you are going to leave a messageboard is to tell someone on a messageboard to watch what they say, lol. I love your antics and I tell my buddies about it all the time, they get a kick out of it.You forgot the snapping of the fingers...It just goes well with speeches like those.
Love me or hate me, I was here a few years ago and guess what, I will still be here in another 10 years when you found another hype or "cool hobby" to exploit. If not on this board, I will still be collecting somewhere else, you know why? I LIVE and BREATHE Horror, I don\'t follow trends, I don\'t buy something just because it is new, or because my "best friends" from the messageboard bought it. I speak my mind when and wherever I want to and it takes a little more than some fanboy of a messageboard to impress me. So when you grow a bit of hair on your chest and stop delivering the church paper for 2.50 a week, get back to me :wink:
Why do people think it is that all the great guys like Super Dan Drista or Zombie Bloodlust are not posting here anymore? It is because of the guys that think all it takes to become a member of the in crowd on a messageboard is to wave the "we are family" flag and trying to pretend that they are something they\'re not. Well let me tell you what,
I am who I am, I don\'t have to pretend, I don\'t have to make up excuses, and most of all I don\'t care what people think of me. What you see and hear is what you get, if you don\'t like it, that just makes me prouder, because either way I got a reaction out of you. Well guys, gotta run, sit on my throne in my collection room while little fanboys like jason8844 fan me with fresh palmleaves, boooooooooyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :o