08-06-2009, 01:52 AM
Since I repainted my H78 recently, I thought I would take a stab at doing my NIGHTOWL Maniac, I am only a beginner and learn as I go along with most things so its not perfect or upto the deluxe quality of the real mask makers.Although for a long time I was happy with the paintwork, I decided it was time for a change, I wanted to go for a more subtle fleshy paintjob rather than the harsh tones and thick black weathering, below is a before and after shot that I have taken to show the difference in the paint, the light also changed since it was later in the day when I finished it, they are just quick snaps so they aren’t perfect have in no way been edited.I also styled the hair a little bit and added some dry blood to the needle mark on the neck.Let me know what you think please.<img src=\"http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d49/liquid-venom/ManiacRepaintCollage.jpg\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />