08-01-2005, 12:18 AM
Quote:You mean try to stop by and sale something.Dude i dont know what issues you have but you need to check your ego when you visit here,You wonder why you gte som much shit here, ITS CAUSE YOUR ATTITUDE BOB.Now go back i your room , rush ot about 4 sculpts in the next 3 hours and then cry why nobody raves about them.......and if you dont have time to make a mask , why get offended by my comments about ME liking Conors work.Its not suppose to 100% accurate to the film, its was the way Andrew B. wanted Conor to sculpture it. An di havent seen a accurate mask come out of your site yet.
Now back on topic..........
Damn right!!!!
That was uncalled for BOB.. the Pugsly "guy" you are referring to gave his opinion.. nothin more nothin less.. until you smarted off at him.. and i own a stitches mask... and i MUST say its far better than you could ever do.. maybee if you took time and not rush things.., yours would look decent.