Well bob i told another board member here last time that you made a descent remake mask.but this is all about me not liking the bill Moseley sculpture, Oh well dude, whatever.and just cause i dindt say Bob makes a ok one in ths thread you flip out with the BS you said.What that sculpture is suppose to impress me Bob?Looks ok i guess but who knows what the finished mask will look like.
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK.....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK.....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK......................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OKREMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK.....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK.....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK......................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OKREMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................
BOB MAKES A OK REMAKE MASK....................