09-01-2005, 07:24 PM
i got 1st gen right now direct from a pull off the screen mold..and if these are widely avaible then theres no need in collecting casue it makes every peice in someone collection less and less valuble its like if there was a box of 1000 kirks found nad sold off for a measly 400 a pop then theres no point in collecting it..not to mention peope are gonna recast the shit outta these and sell for 150 and paint for 10 minutes nad make profit while the piece itself is worht crap which forces people who actually spend liek 13-15 hours paint per mask either not put as much into it or charge up there for paint work..outta all the peopel who make hockey masks now only like 5 are good and try to put detail in them the rest are after the fast money